Friday, October 31, 2008

Palin breaks Eagleburger's brain

Well it's happened. After months of sitting in a chair, tensing up, gripping the handholds harder and harder as you saw each new Palin interview, story, and speech, finally just cracking, snapping the handholds with the force of their grip, a look of horror and fear crossing their face as they yelled "Fucking hell, this lady is crazy!" before taking to the streets clad in a bedsheet, preaching the Gospel. The man that cracked in public, before the McCain camp could ship him off to a rest facility in Sedona for "exhaustion", was former Secretary of State Lawrence "Law Dog" Eagleburger.
"And I devoutly hope that [she] would never be tested," he added for good measure -- referring both to Palin's policy dexterity and the idea of McCain not making it through his time in office.

The remarks took place during an interview on National Public Radio that was, ironically, billed as "making the case" for a McCain presidency. Asked by the host whether Palin could step in during a time of crisis, Eagleburger reverted to sarcasm before leveling the harsh blow.

"It is a very good question," he said, pausing a few seconds, then adding with a chuckle: "I'm being facetious here. Look, of course not."
After his mind revolted, he was able to tamp down the mental secession and bring things back under the cruel despotic rule of the McCrown. Adding that lots of VP's weren't ready and that given time she would be........adequate, his thought peasants storming the McBastille once again. He finally closed the interview with his sincere, devout hope that she would never ever ever be tested, his brain proles solidly in the throes of beheading the McBourgeoisie. I'm guessing he won't be doing any interviews on behalf of McCain this weekend.

We're seeing the early stages of, along with the reports of her as a "diva", "bog monster", and"unscripted ignoramus", the long knives coming out for Bible Spice. It seems the McCain staffers don't much care for her of what she "added" to the ticket (can the subtraction of Independent voters be an addition?) and are regretting McCain's drunken dart throw landing on her after Lindsay Graham intimated McCain didn't have the stones to pick some random Republican to be his VP. Boy, those post-campaign books are going to be interesting.

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