Thursday, October 30, 2008

Faith in McCain

McConnell Fundraising Email: Vote For Me To Fight Obama Presidency
Citing media reports that show "an Obama win [as] a real possibility," the Kentucky Republican positions himself as the one man capable of standing up to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid machine" that "will steamroll a host of new taxes and left-wing social policy across the Senate Floor."
Hinting at the possibility of complete Democratic control of government - again a statement predicated on an Obama win -- McConnell writes: "national liberals want this Senate seat so badly" because "they are making this race a power play for domination of the public debate. They have made no secret that they are fighting for total unfettered domination of the government and its agenda."
Ahhh Mitch, you're such a sniveling loser. You're a senator from Kentucky and the minority leader, and you are still in a close race because of a challenge from a dirty liberal. Here's a hint, it's because of the time your party had unfettered domination of the government, you fucked things up so badly that people in Kentucky would consider voting for a Democrat. They aren't crazy about you and they don't like what you did, and they don't like your obstructionism over the last two years (two years filibuster record in one year? bravo). People want things done, immediately, and pledging to gum up the works with your childish bullshit probably isn't going to inspire hope of people who want things done.

Good news, you are a white guy and a Republican, and in Kentucky those things can take you far. Continue to call your opponent a pederast, promise everyone in Kentucky a solid gold cask of bourbon, and keep promising to halt all government to stop the dirty liberals from enacting the agenda people are voting for. I guess its better than having an actual plan or saying you'll enact Republican policies. Still, within the margin of error with Democratic turnout expected to be high. Start drinking, you might have to get a real job.

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