Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Quote of the Day

Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ) on how he has already seen the future, and doesn't like how the terrorist trials has turned out for the Bloomberg family.
"I saw the mayor of New York said today, 'We're tough. We can do it.' Well, Mayor, how are you going to feel when it's your daughter that's kidnapped at school by a terrorist?" Shadegg said.

"How are you going to feel when it's some clerk -- some innocent clerk of the court -- whose daughter or son is kidnapped? Or the judge's wife? Or the jailer's little brother or little sister? This is political correctness run amok," he continued.
Boy, don't you just love it when when red state blowhards who live as far away as possible from a terrorism target tells New York how to run things? I mean, how come they aren't as pants wettingly afraid of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as he is? Plus he's more or less calling the NYPD a Keystone cops organization, our prison system unfit to handle uneducated opium farmers, and that our Federal justice system unable to handle something as complex as a trial. It's impressive, really.

One also has to appreciate the way he brings up the kidnapping of one of Mayor Bloomberg's daughters as if it is the only logical endpoint of holding trials. Hell, the imaginary terrorists are future raping both the Bloomberg daughters as we speak, in a hover apartment two blocks from Madison Cube Garden in New New York. It is an assured outcome that wouldn't otherwise be possible if Barack Obama didn't want to appease terrorists so much. Hell, it's probably what the new season of 24 is about.

But bonus points must be handed out for the "political correctness run amok" remark. Usually that phrase is just reserved for bitter old white men who are just pissed off because they can't tell racist jokes in public, openly stereotype different races, and have to let blacks into their country club. I never knew that "political correctness" involved due process and using the justice system of this country to prosecute criminals according US and international law. The GOP teaches you something new every day.

Ah well, I can only hope that Shadegg can stop shaking in fear at the thought of trials to imagine a scenario where the imaginary Bloomberg hostages are rescued from the imaginary terrorists by Jack Bauer...and say....Huckleberry Hound. Can you do that Johnny? For their sake?

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