Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Letter of the day

With this being Veterans Day, which originally got it's start as a remembrance of the armistice that ended World War I, Letters of Note has up the telegram that some credit with getting the US to enter that war. I am of course referring to the Zimmerman Telegram, in which the German Foreign Secretary asked the German Ambassador to Mexico to ask the President of Mexico about his thoughts on the early work of Bob Dylan......and also if he wanted to invade America for the greater glory of Germany.

23638 18222 6719 14331 15021? Hilarious. Man, that German Foreign Secretary sure was a cut up. Oh sorry, can't you read decoded German communiques? You make me sick.
Nr. 130, 13042, Foreign Office has telegraphed on 16 January, No. 1. Strictly secret decode yourself. We intend to begin unrestricted U-boat warfare on February first. Effort will be made notwithstanding this to keep the United States neutral. In the event that we should not be successful in this, we propose alliance to Mexico upon the following basis: to make war together; make peace together; generous financial support; and agreement on our part that Mexico shall reconquer the formerly lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona. Arrangement of details to be left to your honor. You should disclose the foregoing to the President in strict secrecy as soon as outbreak of war with the United States is certain and add the proposal invite Japan to immediate spontaneous concurrent effort and at the same time use his good offices between us and Japan. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our U-boats offers the prospect of forcing England in a few months to peace. Acknowledge receipt. Zimmermann.
Mexico wisely turned them down, preferring instead to slowly invade, assuming all our low paying service industry jobs, and reclaiming the land we stole from them in a bid they call Reconquista! For Aztlan!

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