Monday, November 16, 2009

Quote of the Day

Today we are enlightened by Sarah Palin, from one of the many brilliant excerpts from her book Going Rogue. This time, America's dumb rural aunt is opining on evolution.
The New York Times reports in its review:
Elsewhere in this volume she talks about creationism, saying she "didn't believe in the theory that human beings -- thinking, loving beings -- originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea" or from "monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees."

In another section she recounts a debate John McCain's campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, on the issue:
"But your dad's a science teacher," Schmidt objected. "Yes." "Then you know that science proves evolution," added Schmidt. "Parts of evolution," I said. "But I believe that God created us and also that He can create an evolutionary process that allows species to change and adapt." Schmidt winced and raised his eyebrows. In the dim light, his sunglasses shifted atop his hear. I had just dared to mention the C-word: creationism. But I felt I was on solid factual ground.
Baby Jesus, can you tell her to write a second book? Not just one where her petty vendetta to blame everyone else for the problems she caused and her litany of lies are put out there to be easily debunked by any organization with Google. No, a series where she writes her beliefs on scientific theories on how the world works. Palin on gravity, Palin on climate science, Palin on string theory, Palin on quantum mechanics; a sort of "...for Dummies" version of science for the Palin supporter. I'd buy 'em.

In other news, we're sad to report that Steve Schmidt had to be hospitalized after he had a re-occurrence of the "wincing and raising eyebrows" repetitive stress disorder that manifested in the '08 campaign after Palin was added to the ticket. We can only hope that he recovers and that no one reads him further excerpts from the book.

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