Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stay classy, Pat

Man of God with thighs of steel, televangelist and canola oil hater Pat Robertson, on how God's true calling for him is to shamelessly exploit tragedy in the name of the baby Jesus, especially when Muslims are involved.
“Islam is...a violent political system bent on the overthrow of the governments of the world and world domination. ...So you are dealing with not a religion. You’re dealing with a political system. And I think we should treat it as such and treat its adherences as such as we would members of the Communist Party or members of some fascist group."
Pat, how Godly of you to take the Ft. Hood tragedy and use it to advocate for religious persecution. Shame you didn't think to follow through on that belief when Tim McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building, George Tiller was murdered, or Eric Rudolph was blowing up all those abortion clinics and the Olympics. Ah well, most people don't tend to advocate for their own Government organized subjugation.

I'm sure your decrying of Islam as a political system didn't come between various pleas to your audience to vote a certain way, support certain politicians, or oppose certain legislation. I wonder if this is also your message when you meet with GOP leaders and political action committees to discuss strategy, outreach, and political operations? Maybe you're just mad they're encroaching on your territory. I'm just confused. I thought all this terrorism stuff was happening because of God's hate of the gays the the ACLU, not because Islam is a fake religious political party run by Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Or is it both? Like I said, I'm confused. Luckily God has blessed us with Pat Robertson, so he can explain it all to us.

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