Tuesday, January 12, 2010


The New York Times has an interesting infographic up that looks at 12 major American cities and charts out the popular movies of the day by zip code based on people's Netflix queue. It's interesting to learn what movies US citizens are picking up on DVD. Who knew Benjamin Button and Changeling would be so interesting for people to watch at home when this country largely found them uninteresting in theaters.

But the most interesting thing about some of the movies is you get to play a little game with the maps that I like to call "White people live here/Black people live here" and its cousin "Rich people live here/Poor people live here".

Take for instance Paul Blart: Mall Cop in LA
Beverly Hills didn't seem to care for it.

Here's the same LA map but for Tyler Perry's the Family That Preys
The NY map is similarly illuminating. That's right black people, whitey isn't even going to bother with your version of lowest common denominator shit.

Give the whole site a look and see if you can't demographically map out several major US cities in a completely racist and classist way based on their film tastes.

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