Thursday, January 14, 2010

Natural disaster conspiracy

Of course the big story of today and the next few days is the continuing aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti. The country is so destroyed that it's making it extremely difficult to even get aid to the island let alone administer it and some projections have the death toll near 500,000. As such, there's not any type of humorous dick joke that can be made, so Sean and I aren't going to bother to try.

But, there is no shortage of right wing assholes who saw this tragedy and gleefully clapped their hands together and said "Ooooh, what a wonderful time to turn this into a political and religious dick slapping contest." Of course we already covered Pat Robertson waxing philosophic about the signed contract the devil has from the people of Haiti. But there's also Rush Limbaugh, who had concerns that the true story of this disaster was being missed.
"This will play right into Obama's hands. He's humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their, shall we say, "credibility" with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made-to-order for them. That's why he couldn't wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there."
See! Dead people shmed people. Why aren't we talking about how Obama is going to use this to exploit and build his humanitarian street cred among blacks? Why aren't we talking about how eager the President seemed to be to get out there and talk about the crisis and organize a response to a massive humanitarian disaster? Why aren't people focusing on the important side of this story: that a black man might benefit politically if he handles the US response to the crisis well and ends up helping millions of displaced and injured Haitians? What an outrage!

He then spent time attacking Haiti as producing "zilch, zero, nada,", when it was one of only two Caribbean countries expected to see actual economic growth. He then seemed to think that we pay US income tax to Haiti and dusted off some of his most hilarious "Obama apologizes to other countries" material.

Yes, yes, we all know: Rush Limbaugh is an incredible prick and it's a shame that his heart attack didn't fell him. But I just wanted to point out what a special class of prick he was. It takes a certain kind of soul deadened cretin to see an entire country flattened and reports of half a million dead and crack ones knuckles and say to oneself "Time to mock these people, this country, and devote hours of coverage to my low grade racism and theories about how Mother Nature is conspiring to help out Barack Obama by destroying a whole country." We like to mock Glenn Beck around here, but when you see a master like Rush at work, it's only then when you realize who is the pro and who is the amateur.

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