Tuesday, January 12, 2010

This is a real thing

From the BBC documentary on child trafficking, Lindsay Lohan In India. Yes, that Lindsay Lohan. There isn't some Dutch woman named Lindsay Lohan from the UN's Office of Drugs and Crime that's working on this with the BBC. Car crashing, unemployable, complete mess Lindsay Lohan. On child trafficking. For the BBC.

"The parents aren't necessarily in the wrong, the children are obviously not in the wrong ... um … the traffickers are the ones in the wrong. Because they know what they're doing. And anyone that says 'they don't know'... I mean, come on."
Uh... well... said. Good point.

Seriously, BBC? Seriously? Not that I don't appreciate more light being shed on child trafficking and poverty issues, but come on now. Are they using the mess that is Lindsay Lohan to shine more light on child trafficking or child trafficking to shine more light on the mess that is Lindsay Lohan? Ah well, while I'm sure she doesn't really know anything about child trafficking, I'm sure she was aware that she was in India.

Actually, who better to delve into the seedy underworld of Indian child trafficking than a girl whose own parents sold her to the Disney corporation and Hollywood? Now it makes sense.

In any event, this trainwreck/community service project that was evidently conceived of and commissioned by means of a dare, will air on BBC3 at the end of January.

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