Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The bearer of bad news

Heartless killjoy and Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman is here to douse water on your dreams of a post-apocalyptic society brought on by an economic crash. That's not to say it couldn't still happen, Nouriel Roubini still thinks it could, and there's always the chance of some Porcine AIDS-based the Stand type scenario, some sort of teabagger type political uprising, a natural disaster catastrophe, hell filling up and the dead walking the earth, or the Mayan 2012 scenario could happen. But the numbers are the numbers, the trends are the trends, and it looks like we are no longer headed towards a Great Depression, economic collapse, or destabilized world economy. Whither the hobo council of elders?

Let Mr. Big Shit Nobel explain:
Basically, we started out with a year that matched the Great Depression, but have since pulled back a bit from the edge of the abyss.
Wonderful. Great, now we'll have to stop hoarding water and canned goods, practicing our hand to hand combat and survival skills, stockpiling weapons and copies of the Turner Diaries, and attempt to find jobs. Of course we won't find any and around 10% of us will be forced into a cardboard box 'neath the underpass. Oh sure, we'll be living the hobo lifestyle, but with out any of the prestige or power that the global financial apocalypse would have provided us with.

So sorry to bear this bad news for all you apocalypse fetishists, but it seems we're in a recovery. A jobless recovery, but a recovery nonetheless. The pillars of power, government, and society will stay intact, civil war will not break out, and you will not have to kill Garret Dillahunt because he wants to eat your son.

....fuckin' Paul Krugman.

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