Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blah blah blah Al Gore

Last night, before going to bed, I declared the supposed second snowpocalypse storm, which at that point had only dumped a piddling amount of snow on the ground and devolved into a weak drizzle of rain, to be a weak ass bitch ass storm for week-kneed little sisters that wasted my time with dreams of a new ice age. So imagine my surprise when during my slumber (and dreams of money and zombies) the sneaky bastard shat down a couple of more inches during the night, re-crippling a mid-Atlantic that has apparently never dealt with snow before.

Of course we all know what this torrent of winter weather means: global warming is a hoax, Al Gore is fat, and climate change is a myth. And as if on cue, our betters in the right wing media (like always) along with a couple of our more extra ignorant elected representatives, and dimwitted newspapers have chimed in right on cue with those sentiments. Hey, Al Gore is really fat.

But because we love you and we get a tasty percentage cut from Gore for any reader we're able to trick into buying into the global conspiracy and scientific con game that is climate change, here's an actual expert from Climate Progress opining on how "It's cold here right now, thus science is wrong" isn't as scientific as it sounds.

It's long and sciencey, but it basically comes down to a few simple points: climate isn't weather you dimwitted oafs, these major snow events are simultaneously happeneing during some of the warmest winters on record, how there have been two "100 year storms" in two months and how that isn't good, how Al Gore is merely big-boned, and how climate change driven record moisture levels are responsible for these storms and future storms.

Here's MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan making the case. Ratigan is notable for being the only guy on TV who wants to use the snow storm to discuss science. Liberal hippie freak.

Not as convincing as Dr. Hannity, Climate Scientist, but it'll have to do. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go collect a check from Science. I can assure you it has nothing to do with helping to perpetrate a large scale hoax on the populace.

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