Friday, February 12, 2010

Explaining this stupid country

Congressman John Murtha died the other day and while it is official TB policy to mock the recently deceased (if at all possible minutes after their reported death) there really isn't much comedy to mine out of the death of an old hack politician croaking under semi-normal circumstances. Plus, he flared up the whole anti-Iraq war debate so there is residual appreciation.

But the man was an avowed money whore and never met a gaudy, expensive military boondoggle that he wouldn't support. In fact, his passing will probably do more to effect the bottom lines of defense contractors than anything short of a new war. Need proof? Thanks to TPM we have visual evidence of this full page ad in the Washington Post taken out by Lockheed Martin in order to thank Rep. Murtha for his years of service. I assume they meant to the country, but it doesn't really come across that way.

And you thought corporations didn't feel or have emotions just like regular people. That's why it's valid that the Supreme Court treats them like actual people. It was nice of them not to explicitly state that not only did they own Murtha, but that they'll own the next person from his district lock and stock, but I think they inferred it a little too heavily for a "In Memoriam" ad.

So vaya con diyos, Rep. Murtha. It's a shame we were too lazy to Photoshop a picture of you onto a rainbow bridge, but we were. Especially me. We would just like to offer our condolences to Johnstown. Mostly because Murtha's love for district pork and shady kickbacks comprised almost the entire Johnstown economy and now that he's gone the economy will just finish off what the flood and the Syracuse Bulldogs couldn't.

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