Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I'm so sorry. I really am.

Matthew and I have a lot of fun here at the expense of religious people because, well, they're religious. Now, adults talking to imaginary friends is one thing but the indoctrination of children is a whole different mess, one I consider to be a form of child abuse.

That said, the process is hardly surprising, especially for natives of one of the world's most religious countries. Faith-based hustlers have been telling people how to think, who in turn tell their offspring what to think, since about the time our species noticed that big ball of light in the sky.

But every once in a while, we come across something so distasteful and unnerving that we're compelled, nay, honor-bound, to share it with you. Today's entry, courtesy of theinternetisterrible, is footage of The Junior Christian Science Bible Lesson. I almost never do this, but I have to warn you: what follows is not pleasant. Watch only if you can deal with substantially less sleep than normal for the balance of the week/month/your lifetime.

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