Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hey, she was asking for it

As Matthew mentioned in yesterday's Cheap Blogging Crutch, 30 Senate Republicans are lined up to oppose an amendment requiring defense contractors to provide access to U.S. courts in cases involving rape or sexual assault. For convenience's sake, should any of you wish to make a phone call or two (or thirty), the deftly assembled Republicans for Rape is here to help.

Some of the names will sound very familiar (John McCain, Jeff Sessions), some are amongst our favorite whipping boys (Lindsey Graham, Pat Roberts), and some are worth mentioning because, in this or most any context, their names are hilarious (Mike Crapo, Sam Brownback). But what unites them all -- apart from the old, rich white guy thing -- is their willingness to go on record in support of restricting the legal rights of sexual assault victims employed by the United States government.

So I say, support these brave patriots. After all, if holding our military contractors responsible for their actions were easy, we'd have been doing it all along.

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