Monday, October 5, 2009

Praise/retraction of the day

Glenn Beck, on his new favorite band:
New MUSE CD. Amazing. These guys are right on the money. Lyrics on target, talent off the charts. They 'get it'. Libertarian!
Muse, on their new #1 fan (paraphrased):
Jesus fucking shit Christ. Stop associating yourselves with us. Retract! Retract it! Never mention our names again! You are decency and popularity poison! Can't...scrub off...filth. So unclean, so unclean.
Is it surprising that Glenn Beck would decide to idolize a band whose lyrics sound like what an 8th grader would write about "the man" and "all the oppression going on" after a class assigned reading of 1984? No. Is it surprising that Muse would know enough about America to know that they don't want the Beck albatross hung around their neck? Yes, and top form on responding to Beck's praise within the hour to get him to stop mentioning the band. You can't have a thing like that hang around until the afternoon, you have to nip that shit in the bud before people start negatively associated you with Beck, instead of just negatively associating you as "the guys who ape Radiohead and Queen."

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