Thursday, April 2, 2009

Class photo

The G20 group photo, otherwise known as the last photo of the world leadership that existed before global chaos devolved society into feudal city-states.

As and extra bonus try and spot which world leader isn't in the photo. It'll probably be easy since, as an American, we are all acutely aware of who the leaders of other countries are. Here's a hint: it's the leader from our closest ally and largest trading partner. No, not China. Whiter. Not the UK. But it is a fellow opressee of those limey colonialists. That's right, Canada's PM Stephen Harper is missing!

Some say he missed the photo because he was getting briefed on G20 business, while UK papers took the high road and said he missed the photo because he was in the bathroom. They retook the photo later and Barry was kind enough to give Harper shit about missing the photo. Only problem was this time Silvio Berlusconi was missing. No one is sure where he went, in fact he's probably dead. The G20 summit will move on without him.

Though it does really give one hope about the leadership of the world. They're tasked with fixing a global financial crisis and they can't even organize a group photo at the event they're all attending.

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