Wednesday, March 25, 2009


The Wall Street crybabies are out in full force today. Seems they don't like that people don't like them. It's unfair, it's anti-corporate, it's the blame game, it's confusing one set of assholes for another set of assholes, it's boo-hoo waaa waaa weep weep. First up is the adults at the Future of Finance Initiative
Finance executives expressed anger and betrayal at Washington's latest anti-Wall Street rhetoric during Tuesday's sessions of the Future of Finance Initiative, a conference hosted by The Wall Street Journal.
"To point the finger at one group means, No. 1, you're not understanding the problem, two, you're stretching our social fabric thinly, and you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater," Mr. Hutchins noted. "Trust goes both ways."
"This is an issue of 'we' and 'they,'" Mr. Levitt said. "Compensation is a part of it, but a symbolic part of it. We are a centrist nation ... We're now shifting to the left pretty far in terms of business-bashing and it has reached extremes of incivility that are intolerable."
First off, the only future of finance is sea shells as money and credit default swaps on fire and animal pelts. Secondly, Mr. Hutchins is right, trust goes both ways. Here's the problem, you all sucked the world economy into an endless black hole that we have to dump golden barges full of treasure in every hour before it devours us all. We kind of don't trust you anymore, nor do we trust your new proclamations about what it'll take to fix your messes. In our defense, we've been wholly vindicated in our non-trust and scorn.

As for Mr. Levitt, what would you like our opinion of business to be? We aren't bashing all business, just the financial and banking industries which brought us to a once in a generation financial Ragnarok. We tend to not be civil towards the people who are setting our futures on fire and expect us to bend over and take it. You and your cohorts fucked us over, take the heat like a man.

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