Friday, May 15, 2009

Great moments in religious relations

Republican Senator hopeful Kim Hendren, on some of the outreach to the Jewish community he's undertaking.
Hendren, who is challenging Democratic Sen. Blanche Lincoln, told Arkansas blogger Jason Tolbert he put his foot in his mouth while explaining “that unlike Sen. Schumer, I believe in traditional values, like we used to see on ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’”

“I made the mistake of referring to Sen. Schumer as ‘that Jew’ and I should not have put it that way as this took away from what I was trying to say,” Hendren elaborated.

Defending himself again to the Arkansas News, Hendren went further, saying he didn’t know why the words “that Jew” came out of his mouth. He added that there is a Jewish person he admires — Jesus. He’s also partial to Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman.
Well, that was a nice campaign your were running Mr. Hendren, but now it's all're running in Arkansas. Everything's fine. Actually, you might have gained votes. Smart move.

I do like his contention that the main reason it was wrong to refer to a sitting US Senator as "that Jew" was because it weakens his argument. Yeah, taking an entire race, ethnicity, or religion and then referring to a member of that group by the singular name of that group does tend to weaken the strength of an argument. In fact I think the only time "that Jew" is an acceptable answer is if someone asks you "Which one of these Jews do you want to give a hug to" and even then it's kind of sketchy.

But then again since the argument you were trying to make was probably something like "the socialists are coming to steal the American Dream" or "The liberals done hate the heartland", I'm not sure even a trip to Slur-ville could have weakened the intellectual heft of anything you said.

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