Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Quotes of the day

Fundamentalists reactions to the recent gay marriage Supreme Court ruling in Iowa, the Washington DC recognition of same sex marriages from other state, and the Vermont legislature overriding a veto to make gay marriage legal and the threats posed by all three.

Tony Perkins, FRC
"Same-sex 'marriage' is a movement driven by wealthy homosexual activists and a liberal elite determined to destroy not only the institution of marriage, but democracy as well."
Mathew Staver, Liberty Counsel
“By redefining marriage, the Vermont legislature removed the cornerstone of society and the foundation of government."
Concerned Women for America
“Vermont legislators’ futile attempt to replace God by vainly redefining marriage eerily follows how that first man and woman acted on the first temptation — and the root of all temptations — to act as if they were gods. That one decision by Adam and Eve to believe that they could ‘be like God’ separated them from God, destroyed the peace that they had experienced, and ushered in what some would call ‘unintended consequences’ of pain and destruction.”
Well, obviously. Just one question: is society/democracy/government going to be destroyed some time today or do we have to wait for the accumulation of gay marriages before the Earth is thrown off its axis, the streets turn to lava, and a thunderous lightening bolt from above cracks the Constitution in half? Because I have some errands to run today and I don't want to be caught out in God's retribution for gay marriage.

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