Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Headline of the day

Robot Hunts Toxic Waste Dumped By Mafia Off Italian Coast

This has all the makings of a futuristic buddy cop movie that should have been made in the eighties or a Short Circuit sequel.

In actuality the story is about efforts the Italian government is taking to combat the mob and their stranglehold on lucrative shipping and toxic waste disposal rackets. If you ever want to read a phenomenal book on the subject of the Italian mob and their control of Italy, check out Roberto Saviano's Gomorrah about the Naples Camorra. The expose eventually caused Saviano to have to leave Italy, and he has a permanent police escort courtesy of the Italian Minster of the Interior because of death threats from Neapolitan godfathers and an uncovered bombing plot against him. They also made a pretty good movie based on the book as well.

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