Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lying liar of the year

As it is the end of the year, Media Matters has come out with it's Misinformer of the Year "award". It's not so much an award as it is a call for rotten fruit to be thrown at said person and perhaps a suggestion that a national public square should be built in Washington with a national stockade, where the lying dregs of this nation can be offered up for public humiliation and eggings from disaffected youth.

Unsurprisingly Glenn Beck won the award. Really, who else could it be? His lying stats were simply Ruthian, with Beck eclipsing 60 majorly dishonest whoppers in a single television season, a staggering 4-to-1 lie to truth ratio, proved the statistical importance of crazy diagrams, bizarre skits, and weeping paens in measuring lunacy, and generally made an ass of himself on a daily basis. Not only did he do all this, but he did it while tragically not being in a fatal car accident and after revelations arose that he might have raped and murdered a young girl in 1990.

I think we all need to just take a moment to sit down and spend a few seconds remembering all that Glenn has done this year. Because what we witnessed was epic crazy of the type unlikely to be reached again. It makes me a little sad inside. Anyway, here's Glenn's highlight reel. He truly is the king.

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